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Old 08-20-2009, 01:47 PM   #69
Paradoxial_oblivion's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Hudson Texas
Posts: 16
Originally Posted by Alan View Post
I'm hating that threads grow so much lately, but this post stood up
Pff, what bullshit. You sound like countless others I've met; so no, you're not different, and the rest of your post proves it.
Yeah? Well, then your faux rebelliousness is even half-assed
Yeah, spiking your hair is so important to someone's idenity, not like, oh I don't know, having a great personality, or being empathetic and understanding, or being talented and giving.
You are almost a cookie cutter version of the template of people that comes here to bitch about their bourgeois upbringing.
Don't include yourself to me when this is the biggest thing you complain about in the workplace.
first like i said i dont claim to be a one man show and that im unique or special in way no one else is there are plenty of people like me thats why i want us to stand up and fight for ourselves.

second, what rebelliousness? i am in no way a rebel or anything like it i am a person that believe in personnal differences and choices thats why i am the way i am because i choose to be not to stand agaisnt something.

third. my hair is a big part of how i represent myself because as you well know people dont get to see the inside personality traits at first all they see is the look i use it to set me apart in a crowd so that those who see and like it for being different will talk to me and those that dont wont talk to me therefore removing alot of purposeless social crap.

and finally im not comparing myself against you, you are garbage...worthless scum here to bring others down just because of some false belief that you are more special or unique than everyone else. I have many complaints about the work place but you know what its the way things are structured and i can get past that, what i cant get past is being limited to looking a certain way because it frightens or offends people.

why are you getting so angry?
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