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Old 08-25-2009, 04:02 PM   #71
Amani 愛
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 18
I am mixed as hell so I’ll give you the races and ethnicities.

My ancestors came to the “new world” as slaves.
Some of my family came from Cape Verde and were mixed with Portuguese.


Native American:
Cherokee, Choctaw, and Taino.

Puerto Rican


I really could never pick one race to be .While being mixed can sometimes lead to you being ostracized I am rather grateful to be mixed and I think it has allowed me to see things from more than one cultural and social position. I was raised primarily as Black and Hawaiian. Everywhere I have ever lived has either been predominately Black or Asian/Polynesian and so I was exposed to those things the most. If I’m filling out a form and I can only pick one race I choose Black. I often have to adjust to living in within the different cultures of my various races and I think I’m better for it. It’s what has made me want to be a linguist and given me such a strong interest in anthropology.
I think that knowing your heritage and your culture is important and gives you something to lean on and draw strength from. Plus I really like that most people can never quite figure out what race I am. It gives me a bit of an edge.
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