Thread: green day...
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Old 08-25-2009, 10:31 PM   #6
Join Date: Jan 2007
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Originally Posted by skateboard pro View Post
anyone else like green day? i like their song "21 guns" it reminds me of when my dad was in the war.. it brings tears to my eyes... don't tell my friends that but they think it's a chill song so it's cool.. just if they knew a song could make me cry they'd say i was a pussy.. you know.. that kind of dude.. not a homo though... it's cool they sing about politics...

i also like linkin park, i used to think they were gay until i say the skateboard on their album cover then i gave it a listen and it was chill and kind of was related to my life and.. y'know.. they're cool...

jay-z is sick as well....

breaking benjamis is ok.... MCR sucks now that they sold out with that song Teenagers (even though it's totally true!! lol!!).. and Panic at the Disco is pretty cool but not their new album.. i like their older album.. they're punk-core like me lol!! so that's why..

if I think of more bands I'll say
You do know that none of those bands are in an way punk right? Did you know that pretty much all those bands work for big multi billion dollar music companies.
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