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Old 08-26-2009, 03:02 PM   #14
Mark Anthony Quested
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Maidstone, Kent, England
Posts: 111

So what Goth are you!?

I'm a Geek Goth, definitely...but with a touch of Victorian Goth, Steampunk Goth, Medieval Goth, Hippy Goth, Romantic Goth, Fetish Goth, Corp Goth, Perky Goth (depending on my mood), and even Trad Goth! Several stereotypes for the price of one!!!

"Essentially, all Goths are Geeks. After all, how can one devote so much time into dressing up, reading old literature and collecting obscure music without being somewhat Geeky? You will hence find typical Geek traits in all Goths, but some will be more Geeky than others.

The typical Geek Goth tends to place less emphasis on Goth as a fashion, and more on its overtones of dark fantasy. So while they may not look as spectacularly Gothic as other Goth Types, their knowledge of the symbolism and artistic influences behind Goth is very often superior. They are more inclined than most to indulge in role play, read sci-fi, fantasy and horror novels, and watch cult TV shows and films with Gothic appeal. Geek Goths are also more likely to be into computer games and anime than other Goths. You are far more likely to find them in Forbidden Planet than in a goth club.

Geek Goths are some of the most intelligent, creative and open-minded Goths you’ll meet. Fittingly, they frequently have diverse and eclectic taste in music, although they may be more attracted to bands who regularly sing about Lord of the Rings, Cthulhu or other subjects with a high Geek interest."

Yes, you are most likely to find me in Forbidden Planet than say the Slimelight!!!
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