Thread: Goth jobs?
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Old 09-03-2009, 07:37 AM   #145
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 1
Jobs for Goths

Hi there! I'm completely new to this site. In fact it was your question that prompted me to register (or rather, the negative responses you got.)
I am a goth. I have a good job. And being a goth has not hindered me one bit in my career.
I do, however, 'tone it down' a bit at work. Mainly this is because I can't be bothered to get up extra early to apply loads of make-up, but I wear my own style of clothes and I do stand out. This has never been a problem.
You should not feel that you have to compromise how you want to express yourself, just because we live in a narrow-minded society.
Here are some jobs that I and my goth friends do:
Mental health advocate (or and social care/ mental health job) no uniform is required. I work for a charity and the dress code (unwritten and unmentioned) is 'clean and tidy.' A lot of my colleagues wear jeans, but just as many have their own individual style.
Shop worker. One of my friends used to manage a charity shop. She now works in a fancy dress shop. Perfect. She gets to dress up as well.
Performer. I know musicians, circus artistes, actors and artists, all 'alternative' in their dress style. No problem.
Self-employed. I've been self employed myself. Depends what you want to do, but if you have a passion for the dark side, look at your personal talents and set up your own business.
Working in media, entertainment, advertising. These are creative people. Creative people welcome individual freethinkers. They're not going to be put off by a bit of nail varnish.
There are more, but I really want to say: Don't give in to all this negativity. Yes it is hard to get a job, but you need to have a positive attitude to working and present this to a prospective employer. Whenever I have interviewed people, the first thing I notice is not how they're dressed, but how they carry themself and what they say.
Some bigotted people will take one look and turn you away. Would you want to work for them anyway?
Good luck!
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