Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 10-28-2009, 10:15 AM   #2064
Jaye Jang
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Originally Posted by Raptor View Post
I like taking shit apart and building stuff, so I get that. I don't understand the love of muscle cars though.
You'd just have to drive one. Just once, and you're hooked. Only thing I'll drive (read that own) these days -- besides my truck for hauling stuff. Used to drive 'momcars' (i.e. miniwagons, etc.). Then, I bought my '77 Chevy. It was a former race car of all things. Owner even tried to warn me that it was too 'powerful' for me. It had a 350 engine, roll bars and a roll cage, of all things -- and glass mufflers. It was LOUD. (I was a librarian, for crying out loud. When I was younger, despite being an Army 'chopper' Medic and driving a 'deucey' [2-1/2 ton truck], I was kind of a wuss when it came to cars). Then I drove my 'Chevy to the levee', and I was hooked for life. (No kidding. It was an ugly car. I used to pull up to stop signs on the back roads and sports cars would pull up next to me, laugh at my ugly old bomb, and step on the gas. Somewhere down the road, after 'eating my smoke', they would pull up next to me and ask just what the h@ll I had under the hood. I would just smile sweetly and say, "Wouldn't you like to know"). That car is now in it's umpteenth incarnation (I do NOT junk my babies, I sell them and give them a new life), as a 'funny' car at a local race track, where it is still LOUD and 'tearin' up the road.' No, the older cars are the 'good's, dude. They last forever, actually get pretty good gas mileage (my '77 Plymouth gets 25 mph in town and 30 on the highway) and they are amazingly easy to repair.

And, no Stormtrooper, they don't make cars like that anymore.
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