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Old 11-11-2009, 09:05 AM   #25
Jaye Jang
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Originally Posted by Pineapple_Juice View Post
I hate when the person you're dating says they "need to talk". It always turns out bad.
The same thing applies to your boss. Trust me.

Okay, Ben. This thread is not Rant III. It started out as a simple list of things that are your least favorite things. Not everyday rants. It got preempted by my job, because I get called into work whenever there's a backlog, shortage of warm bodies, or simply a crisis -- then I get blamed for same, because my boss thinks my middle name is 'scapegoat'. Go figure. In the meantime, I do the job because: 1. I'm trained to do that. 2. I need a job. 3. I really like having a roof over my head, and, 4. I occasionally even like to eat. Capice.

If you don't ever have to work two jobs, back-to-back shifts, like I do, don't. It's bad for everything from your health to your attitude. Okay.

So to make you happy, my least favorite things: (Then I REALLY have to go to work). Okay. 1. Bosses who scream at you because you are a convenient target.
2. Bosses (and coworkers) who take their insecurities and inadequacies out on you -- simply because they can.
3. Economies that are so bad you have to work in crappy places like that because you need the money.
4. Having to support 'everyone' but yourself (i.e. landlords, utility companies, bill collectors, tax collectors, etc.).
5. People who try to keep you from getting to work just so they can get you fired. (Had that happen before).
6. People who can't get it through their heads that when you have a job, you can't 'hang out' on the web (including 'fun' sites like, or you will wind up homeless (which means no Internet access, etc.).
7. Cops who tailgate you and try to harrass you into a ticket you don't need and cannot afford.
8. Ketchup and mustard packets that squirt on you, especially at work where you cannot change your clothes.
9. Noisy, nosey, rude, inconsiderate, smart-alecky, and otherwise obnoxious people.
10. Not having enough time to do what I want with my life -- ever -- because I'm ALWAYS too busy working (so I can 'support' the above-mentioned people).
11. People who shoot decent hardworking people just because THEY have some kind of personality disorder (i.e. Columbine, etc. and now Ft. Hood), and, yes, just for you, Ben,
12. People who start threads and then leave them hanging.

There. Does that work? If so, I have to go pay some bills, and then go to work. (Sorry about the 'tude, dude, but my boss makes a habit of writing us up every payday, just so we don't enjoy ourselves too much. You think SHE might have a 'tude, dude, or is it just me?).
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