Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 11-14-2009, 01:39 PM   #2259
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Originally Posted by SweetJane View Post
It's a shame you're single, you're beautiful and smart.

I've been feeling that lately, too. I have such bad luck with relationships. For me, it probably mostly has to do with living in the rural midwest and being a lesbian. I have a HUGE problem with commitment because I can never seem to find anyone who understands me on a fundamental level (I end up being a novelty in one way or another) and I'm scared shitless of being stuck in this town forever and having another crazy asshole to deal with while I'm down here.

That and I always seem to attract tough guys, which at least results in having a bunch of great friends who are down to get up if anything goes all FUBAR... but it's not a girlfriend.
Thank you!

Well, you seem to be in a worse situation than me, in theory at least.

I live in a city of 5,000,000 people, and I am straight. But I, too, have a problem finding someone who understands me, because I am a goth in a country where the majority doesn't know what goth is. Here mainstream rules, and there is low tolerance or understanding for anything different. A woman actually crossed herself when she saw me one night!!!

People don't get why I dress in black, go to the cinema on my own, don't go to mainstream clubs, and don't go to the beach and lie in the sun in the summer...

It is very hard to find a straight guy I can have an interesting conversation with.

Truth is, 1. I keep to myself (I also like travelling alone) and 2. most guys in my age group are married.
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.
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