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Old 11-19-2009, 08:56 PM   #3
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Palin is only popular because conservatives desperately need an Obama-level charismatic, so the party manufactured one. They found a face that was less than horrifying, created a mythology around her, and released their manyfactured star on a base desperate for someone to adore.

Did anyone else watch the RNC? They had her come out to pyrotechnics and open with a joke.

Unfortunately, their frankenstien monster quickly became a liability to the McCain campaign. She proved to be a total idiot and They lost. If god actually existed I'm sure she would have slinked back to wassila and died in obscurity, but alas; in this cold and impersonal universe her fetid husk rose to haunt our dreams anew. Now she's a symbol for every disenfranchised nut job in the nation to rally behind.

Is she still a serious political threat? I doubt it. But she will continue to leech money from her brain dead flock and piss me off in the meantime.
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