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Old 11-29-2009, 01:58 PM   #1
Anarchist Ninja
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: America... Sadly...
Posts: 16
Goths and Screamo?

Figured I'd post this here since this has to do with music.

Does anyone else find themselves frequently asked if they like "screamo"?

On a weekly basis almost, whenever the music topic is brought up in a conversation, people always say things like

"You don't like this band because you only like screamo!"

or "So what screamo bands do you like?"

or "So what DO you listen to then if you don't like rap? Screamo?"

or "What kind of band is that? Some kinda weird screamo band?"

Does anyone else get this? It seems people think that because I'm goth I listen to screamo all the time. Since when does goth associate with screamo?

I will be honest, I do listen to a few bands that might be associated with the term "screamo" such as the bands on the following links.

But I don't only listen to these type of bands, in fact these are some of my least favorite bands because metal seems to be too repetitive. Loud guitars/drums and a guy growling some random junk that the average human ear cannot understand.
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