Thread: Re-Mod Xng!
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Old 11-18-2005, 05:32 PM   #193
DirtNap's Avatar
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Posts: 14
Originally Posted by TheKorovaMilkbar
You know what.

Here's what I have to say. Ignore it if you want but I'm gonna say it anyway.

How can you all just give up and leave? Is this something you would do in real life? I have a policy not to give up when life throws me a curveball, and believe me it has saved me countless times. I have grown to care what actually happens on this board regardless if any of us have met face to face or not.

Don't just give up. Why would you just up and leave those you care about here just because of a few assholes? It's like leaving your friends to deal with the rabid dogs without your help.

I'm dissappointed in the fact that you could give up so easily when faced with a fixable problem.

Well, I'm gonna stay, be it alone or not, and flame and bash every single idiot into submission if that's what it takes to get this board back on track. Because I like speaking to intelligent people, be it online or not.

I certainly appreciate your can-do attitude.

Reporting and ignoring the idiots and trolls would work much better though. Flaming and bashing just drags the thread or conversation or even the whole board down into the muck. There are people in place to correct or remove these characters. It is better just to carry on, unruffled.
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