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Old 12-26-2009, 07:18 PM   #53
Join Date: Jan 2007
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Originally Posted by zerademark View Post
I did not say it was orthodox or even justified. Analize my post: I was wondering about the nullification of the burglars jailtime,
No, you weren't. You included a rhetorical question at the end that basically just said "I don't understand". The bulk of your post was about the way that they beat the offender, which is what I was responding to.

Originally Posted by zerademark
and commenting on the onorthodox methode of containing him by the home owners.
'onorthodox' is a pretty liberal description.

Originally Posted by zerademark
If you had your head out of your ass you would have realized that and remembered me saying I used to play that game. Even if I played that game at this very same moment it wouldn't be relevant to this article and discussion.
Look bro, I don't want any trouble, my cards are in my back pocket, just take them.

Originally Posted by zerademark
Second part: if you have a metal pole in your hand and a running intruder on your yard, what would the first thing be that hits your mind?

A) I must keep that sonofabitch here for when the police arrives!
B) I must keep that sonofabitch here for when the police arrives but without inflicting him any harm at all and especially not beat him at the head with this metal pole in my hand.
I like how you've presented this as an enormous moral struggle to contend with while trying to decide how to contain the burglar. "Oh me oh my, how can I possibly contain this burglar and exercise the self-restraint necessary not to knock him to the floor, call my family around and beat him to the point of a fractured skull with various weapons?" Camus should've written an essay about that shit.

Originally Posted by zerademark
Truth is, its easy to discuss here on a forum on whats good and bad to do in life and in difficult situations, but when where out there in the real world our behaviors might not correspond to our carefully planned movements we speak out in here. Possible we won't be able to think clearly enough to decide whats right and wrong. We have an article here giving facts about what happened, but the emotional factors aren't apparant here.

So think about that, will ya Mr JCC?
I thought about it and it was stupid.
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