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Old 12-28-2009, 02:43 AM   #28
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Reno, Nevada
Posts: 5
Originally Posted by LakitaJackson View Post
I don't like them bi-sexuxaxl people. That is just dasgustin'. It's okay to be straight or one of them faggots, but bi?? This ain't the damn hometown buffet. You gotta pick between the hot dog and the bun, you can't have them both!

I don't like them white people either. They be all up in ma' grill tellin' me about Frasier and Mcguyer, and I'm just like "Shut yo' cracka ass up before I call that NAAPD!" and then I snap they neck with my karate chop (I been takin' tai-kwan-do lessons from sensei Jackie Chan) and steal they white-people money.

Thirdly, I don't really like them goth and emo people, they be actin' like Satinists who won't let god into their hearts. Plus, I had heard that they be eatin' babies. I don't believe that shit it is so wrong and disgusting. Then they be listing to that scurry Heavy Metal music with that Marilyn Manson and I'm just like "S'wrong with y'all. Let god into yo' heart and act like normal!"

Finally, I hate bigots. I can't stand people that are bigots and that hate people for something they believe in. Plus they are racist and evil and Imma beat all they bootyholes. Seriously, it's like how can y'all look at another persons skin color and judge? That's not good and I hope y'all get cut by one of them Japanese people. You gotta be cureful around them, get them japanese people irritabled and they cut you with they samurai sword!

So, what do y'all not like?
You hate bigots, yet you refer to my people as "Faggots", very perplexing :/
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