Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 02-11-2010, 08:49 AM   #2991
Join Date: Jan 2010
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SOD... there are some things men and women have already decided they will not compromise on. Age is a big one, and I wouldn't take it as a personal attack. It has to do with experience. When a woman has dated someone young, and the relationship failed for what that perceived reason, they tend to compare those undesired traits with someone else who is also young. So she may not be giving you a chance to prove that you might not be like that, but that's because she has already set goals for herself, and she knows what she wants/doesn't want. She may be missing out on a good opportunity, however it is her choice to go down whatever path in the love aspect that is good mentally/emotionally/physically for her. You will make the same choices in your life. Don't be hard on yourself, or her. It wasn't meant to be, at least not right now. You will eventually find out exactly what you want and don't want in a partner, and I think that you should keep your chin up when it comes to matters of the heart. Keep a good attitude, it will take you far greater a distance than being upset or pessimistic about it.


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