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Old 02-14-2010, 06:28 PM   #23
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... and every time I see a Windows v Mac thread, I get one step closer to Kubuntu. This is mostly because I've never seen a smugly superior ad for any OS other than windows and mac systems smirking at me on the Tube and telling me how awesome they are. I like things that don't spend all their time telling me how awesome they are and how stupid I am for not having them. (This attitude leads to me actively avoiding almost everything until the advertising around it dies down)

Till then, I have Avast, Spybot S&D, and a great deal of patience with this hunk of junk so long as it still runs Word, Arcanum, Firefox and Winamp 3.95.
The noblest sentiment I have encountered and the most passionate political statement to stir my heart both belong to a fictional character. Why do we have no politicians as pure in their intent and determinedly joyous in their outlook as Arkady Bogdanov of Red Mars?
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