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Old 03-13-2010, 08:16 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by the-nihilist View Post
All of these vapid "sub-cultures" are nothing more than a futile attempt at perpetuating some sort of "uniqueness" amongst the populace in which they reside for no other purpose than attention whoring. The fact is, you will conform to whatever society dictates you to in order to ensure your own survival, be it financial or social, in some form or another.
This opinion ignores...well.....all of human history. EVERY change in any culture starts with the thoughts, opinions, and actions of an active minority subculture, the vast majority of whom are similarly dismissed as worthless or transient fads. And I'm sorry, but I have an extremely hard time agreeing with the sentiment that absolutely every subculture exists only as a means of drawing attention to ones self. Recognition and adoption by the majority culture does not mean that the language, behavior, and style of dress specific to a group evolved because that group was attempting to gain validation from the majority culture.

As far conforming to what majority culture dictates as a survival mechanism, I would refer to this as a pressure as opposed to an absolute of human behavior. The Revolutionary War, Women's Suffrage, and the Civil Rights movement are all prominent examples of nonconformist behavior in which people chose severe social stigma or even death over compromising on their ideals.

- Heretic
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