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Old 04-30-2010, 08:48 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by Stormtrooper of Death View Post
I'm an agnostic, an I believe that there could be a God yes, but I choose to live my life by karma, and it's worked pretty well so far.

I believe that the universe is infinite, and always expanding, so I strongly believe in aliens, and that they have not only visited us and continue to do so, I also believe that they have walked among us, be it in ancient cultures, such as Egyptian and Sumerian cultures.

I've read up a lot on the whole Sumerian/Annunaki thing. I went totally coo coo into research on their mythology. I used to be obsessed with the Egyptians, but the Sumerian's kind of won my my heart over. I just don't know who I side with yet Enki or Enlil.

On an interesting side note, I made a note on facebook mentioning that 13 artifacts dating to the Third Dynasty of Ur, were illegally dug up by an Iraqi dude, but he turned them in recently...I think they consisted mostly of cuneiform writing with a bunch of complex mathematical shit. Apparently there are 12,000 ancient mounds in that area. It's sad though to mention that much of the area was heavily damaged by U.S. occupation troops, who used it as their main barracks in southern Iraq. Why did they have to pick a historical place??? UGH.
I love history and respecting archaeology. It pisses me off when people don't care. (unless they were there for that specific reason?) Meh.
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