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Old 05-20-2010, 08:32 PM   #2
Join Date: Oct 2005
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I remember when I watched crime shows on A&E, I can't remember if it was Cold Case Files or American Justice, but anyway there was this woman who was ***** and it was eight years before they tested for DNA, they found her rapist....and they couldn't prosecute because it was past the statute of limitations. So she now knows who he is, he was in jail for **** when they found out it was him, but there's nothing anyone can do about it. I think they changed the law since because of that case, if you have DNA evidence the statute is extended, but I can't remember if it was a federal law or state.

And yeah, charging people for their **** kits is insane, you don't charge someone for dusting for prints when their house gets broken into, why would you do that to a victim of a violent crime? I heard that one of the reasons for this is that social conservatives do not want to pay for the morning after pill, which is offered to **** victims after exams. They don't cost 1,200 dollars though.
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