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Old 06-27-2010, 12:02 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Dying To Bleed View Post
What's with this black people shit!!!? I'm a blAck g0th... WhAt's Up wIth thAt?
If you ever come back (something I doubt considering the corner you painted yourself into), I have some advice for you when it comes to issues of race and being an ethnic minority in a subculture.

While there are indeed racist @ssholes out there, and they seem to come out of the woodwork on the internet, you should be very careful about jumping to conclusions. Not every word, statement, or message that deals with race or ethnicity is meant as an insult. As you discovered during your exchanges with Alan, context informs meaning. Without a clear idea of the intent or the circumstances surrounding a given statement, you have no cause to call someone out for what you assume are 'racist' statements. Attempting to do so only makes you look narrow-minded and hypersensitive.

I applaud your attempt to take a stand against what you perceived as a racist insult (namely, Alan's signature). However, in the future, pick your battles carefully and be absolutely sure your indignation is justified before you engage someone concerning this subject.

- Heretic
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