Thread: "Maybe"
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Old 07-11-2010, 11:08 AM   #13
ape descendant
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Originally Posted by JCC View Post

Treating 'maybe' like 'no' is just dumb, it's just as stupid as if you took 'maybe' to always mean 'yes'.
Yeah, but some of us don't like to wait all day to be gotten back to.. which happens a little too much. It should be taken on a case by case basis.

Assuming "maybe" to be negative relieves the ambiguity of the statement, and if one's friends are decently intelligent they'll learn to say "yes" when they mean it and "no" when they mean it, instead of wallowing in a pit of indecisiveness.

Now if "maybe" is followed by reasons and contingencies, then it should be respected for what it is, and is kinda retarded to assume either positive or negative as one understands the reason behind the apparent ambivalence.

I'm not a big fan of being "left hanging" so there are times when I just make the call, as I'd rather make other plans if they're thinking of blowing the whole thing off anyway.... especially after getting everything prepared for a fun evening with friends, when I could have been doing something else.

Life is just too damned short to spend it waiting for every one else to make up their minds.

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