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Old 07-19-2010, 12:08 PM   #17
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Originally Posted by KontanKarite View Post

I'd bet the farm that you guys don't get nearly as much of that attention than you let on. I bet it's not nearly that big of a deal to have to bitch about it.
And what do you base that on? Its not everyday but it happens more than it should. Although its not as bad as I hear it is in other places where people will masturbate in front of you.

But yeah, sexual harrassment isn't a big deal, why do we ever complain? We should just take it as a compliment that someone would love to let us know that they'd like to orally **** us.

Also, I think you failed to realize who you're speaking to. Being the specimen of beautiful male that I am, it was VERY common where I used to live to get cat calls and rude remarks all the time. As it is though, I've been guilty of complaining about this very thing before when it was indeed a much more common occurrence. So no, this has NOTHING to do with being a female. I'm just annoyed that it seems like once again, this kind of discussion is going in the direction of feminine complaints.

Yeah its only very beautiful people who cant help getting praise who get sexually harrassed by strangers. They just can't help themselves. They have to let us know that they want to shove their cocks up our asses and slap us like a bitch!

And no one said it only happens to women anyway. Its just that, as a woman, all the cat calls come from men. I'm sorry I didn't add "and also I bet Kontan got cat called too from women, I should mention that otherwise he might get annoyed that something focused on the experience I have as an individual and grow concerned that there is a feminist conspiracy on Gnet."

And you complain about people complaining about sexual harrassment, but you had nothing bad to say about complaining about people just trying to strike up a conversation?
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