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Old 07-27-2010, 01:59 PM   #40
Beneath the Shadows
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Originally Posted by KontanKarite View Post
For those that preach about immigrating the LEGAL way: Has ANY of you actually looked into how that's done and exactly how much money it costs to do it the legal way? I'll be a betting man and say that not even the average American can afford to pay the fees and costs for a Visa or a greencard. It's fucking retarded expensive. Hell, if I were somehow stripped of my American citizenry and gained citizenship somewhere else, I could play HELL trying to become an American citizen again.
It costs upwards to about $6,000 for a green card. However, it costs as low as $325 for a non-residential work visa. If one gets a work visa, gets a job, and saves as much money as possible, getting that $6,000 isn't very hard at all.

The problem is that many people think that they have to go right for the green card, and don't even consider work visas. They themselves don't put in the effort of researching the immigration process. All they know is the little bit they heard, which basically amounts to "Legally in America = green card = too expensive." Which not only is incorrect, but it's sadly repeated by Americans as well because they don't do the research, either.
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