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Old 08-14-2010, 02:44 AM   #1674
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Originally Posted by Apathy's_Child View Post
Planning my birthday revelry. Falls on a Thursday, which is cool - getting Thursday and Friday off from work often happens naturally, so advance notice will cinch that shit.

I always thought I was just someone who doesn't think much of birthdays, until my gf pointed out that this year, it's unlikely I'll be seeing the people I care about without some advance planning. We're accustome to them just turning up and ordering us a takeaway on birthday nights, but that can't be counted on this year since a lot of them are now pretty scattered far enough to necessitate booking time off work & shit. I refuse to go out, though. Staying in with my gf, our best buds, copious amounts of feel-good substances & good music (including guitars of our own for when it inevitably gets messy) is where it's at. And the kicker - Karin's parents are away that week, so we'll have a big-ass house complete with isolated garden to get Beat in. And it's isolated as fuck, so no need to worry abut disturbing the neighbours. We even have their permission & birthday blessing. I love my in-laws.
Happy Birthday! (for whenever it is)

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