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Old 10-20-2010, 07:35 PM   #52
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It isn't comparable. The Chinese have a one child limit, and yes men have it better there but thats the same as anywhere else. I know my parents kept having kids until they got a son, it isn't an exotic concept, you'd see the same thing happening here I bet if there was a one child limit. This doesn't compare to polygamy, and multiple wives/servants being a form of conscientious consumerism. Also, in China, children are expected to take care of their parents in old age, and sons are better equipped to do this, as women traditionally care for their inlaws, not their biological parents. It is in their self interest to have sons, and now they only got one chance.
I think you're right about. While they both have their importance, they are for vastly different reasons.

What does that have to do with the niqab and how it pertains to how women are treated? And yes, not every Muslim country is middle eastern, that would include much of Africa and Asia where polygamy can be pretty common for more cultural reasons than religious, and you're not taking into account that more and more Arabs and Persians in Iran are putting off marriage as economic conditions improve, and even in Iran you can't take a second wife without the permission of the first, never mind how you have to prove you can support more than one wife, and need to want to get married. There was outrage a year or two ago I remember in Iran that imams were mad that marriage was being delayed and pressured young people to do so. And to say nothing of temporary marriages! What point you're trying to make with that can't be made unless you account for a myriad of variables unique to each Muslim country. Careful there, you're trying to explain the rationality of a billion people who argue with each other over such things fairly often.
Nothing. My point was that it is generally very unflattering to women who wear them. I added that bit about polygamy as an example of a reason why it is so unflattering. You said "Polygamy is really rare." I thought you were saying "Polygamy has nothing to do with it because it's so rare."

And I don't even know where you're going with that. Do some Muslim countries treat women like property? Absolutely, but not all and its not exactly the point of the niqab. The reasons for wearing religious attire can be extremely personal. Yes it prevents you from being sexualized, but its also a pretty big statement about your dedication to your culture and religion should you chose to wear it in a Western country.
I know that it's not the entire point. Actually, I think it's kind of elegant in a manly alien sort of way.

I apologize for not explaining further. I was very wrapped up in the abortion thread.

Not even all people in any given Muslim country treat women like property, even if "the country does." Even polygamous men can genuinely love all their wives.
North Americans express a similar thing by having an affair. Humans are not wholy monogamous, no matter what the laws say. We have evolved to be a little bit polygamous.
I laughed pretty hard at this. I just realized I sounded like "THEY ALL CARE NOTHING ABOUT THEIR WOMEN." I remember seeing a lot of loving marriages that just had the illusion of oppression, as well. That's just their culture, you know?

I know very well I would not be looked at with desire. That's not my desire. I am interested in experiencing wearing a niqab for myself. I have seen a couple women wearing them, and it piqued my curiosity - at least partly because of my own reaction, which was one of surprise and a bit of awkwardness.
I know that wasn't your intention. I was trying to make a joke.

I think you should try it, though. It would be an interesting social experiment at the very least. It upsets me that so many people in western cultures have a very minute awareness of how things really are.
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