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Old 10-20-2010, 08:06 PM   #55
LaBelleDameSansMerci's Avatar
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Part of the problem is that people are confusing the dangerous fundamentalists within the religion with the rest of the religion itself.

If I remember correctly, hijabs were adopted as part of Islam from the Pagan Arab culture that came before Islam. Mohammad said that instead of throwing the ends of the hijab back over their shoulders, women should bring them forward to cover their chests and thus be more modest.
There are also supposed to be at least 4 eye-witnesses - people who have SEEN the deed - for a conviction of adultery, man or woman.

But going back to my long post, changing attitudes about pressuring/forcing women to wear head scarfs of any sort is a very difficult thing to do. I wish it was easy enough that people didn't consider banning them, but *shrug*
Banning niqabs and burkas won't make the problem - whether it's oppression or fear of terrorism or whatever - go away.
Twinkle, twinkle, little bat
How I wonder where you're at.
Up above the world you fly
Like a tea-tray in the sky.

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