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Old 11-21-2010, 09:05 PM   #356
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Originally Posted by Despanan View Post
Agreeing to disagree is bullshit. If you were sitting in math class and your told your teacher that 2+2 was 5, he wouldn't say: "let's agree to disagree" he'd tell you you were wrong and correct you. You do not have a right to your opinion. You do not have the right to never be confronted on your retarded ideas.

You thought you were going to come into this thread, and say something snarky and condescending and not have to back up your position. You thought you were going to be able to invalidate our position by fallaciously dismissing it. You thought you'd be able to get away without answering for yourself. You were wrong.

And now you're trying desperately to save face. I won't let you.

Sorry, you messin' wit REAL niggas in here. you picked a fight with someone much, much smarter than yourself, and now you're going to have to deal with that. I am content to verbally beat you into the floor until you either admit you were wrong, or your tiny mind snaps from the strain: your choice babe.

There will be no "agreeing to disagree", there will be no quarter given.

I am right, intelligent, and attractive. You are wrong, stupid and probably fairly ugly.

This is fact. Now admit it, and you can get on with your life. Continue to deny reality and watch how crazy things get.

...You see, we're really not the monsters you think we are. We're just ahead of the curve.
So.... were you molested by a priest?
I Like Cheese!
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