Thread: Adoption
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Old 11-25-2010, 11:09 AM   #13
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Why is your friend wanting to be rid of the cat anyway? I hope it's not because of that eye? I mean, if whatever is wrong with it ( and there is clearly something going on there aside from pure evil genius ) is going to cost a fortune, it may be why they want to offload it onto someone else ? If they think perhaps you can afford to get it treated easier than they can?

I'm just speculating of course, but I can't really think of a reason why anyone would want to get rid of a cat, unless of course they're moving to somewhere the cat cannot be accomodated? It's either that, the eye, or the thing is batshit crazy and keeps trying to kill them.

Also unless you have some sort of complicated marine setup, your fish shouldn't be costing you much at all. Heaters only use electricity when they're heating, and filters also don't use much . Switching your lights and appliances on and off will use more than your tanks .
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