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Old 12-03-2010, 05:11 AM   #47
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Israel.
Posts: 467
Originally Posted by Sinjob View Post
I want a sampler and some vinyls.

It's pretty much impossible to be on your own at such an early age and not expirence some kind of homelessness, betrayel, or R*A*P*E. Anyone who thinks otherwise and goes with their everso brilliant plan will expirence an early grave. Believe me I've TRIED.

And you don't have to repeat or beat yourself up, Oynx. That just makes things awkward.
I did it, you stupid emo boy, and I'm here and kicking, though I won't say it was easy, or that I don't bear the scars or the mental damage. But it might have been worse if I still was at my parents' place. Guess it might be the same with her, unless she's an outraged teen who ran from her parents' home off the weekend to be rebelious chuse she's angry with them.
It is possible. It even isn't such a good ides.
Depends much on where you live, the laws in your country about work and undwerage, your freinds ( I has to really depend on people I barely knew, if at all ), your teachers, etc. And you'll have to work your ass off without giving up on school.
And find an apartment as soon as possible. It's not that hard.
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