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Old 12-03-2010, 10:34 AM   #44
Lydia Deetz
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 23
It's the week before finals, I finally get a break, and I come back to this.

Like I've said in my other topic, it's the same shit where ever I go. It is so fucking pathetic how I can't make a simple rant without it being turned into something so unnecessary. If most people around here aren't being idiots then they're being condescending bullies who jump on the bandwagon. Well then, damn me for daring to have opinion you don't agree with and damn me even more for defending myself when you decide to attack me for it. I don't recall ever saying I was going to be an ass kisser when I joined.

P.S. You're all so insecure, it's both funny and sad.

Alan: When I'm forced to eat meat, I still try to be healthy. I eat food that is either grilled or baked.

Everyone else whose ego isn't shoved so far up their ass: Asking restaurants to make an execption for me around here results me being basically told to either try something on their menu or go somewhere else. Besides, it's an unnecessary hassle that I shouldn't have to do.

At home, I eat fake meat, vegetable stir fry, salad etc., and bascially anything that's usually considered a side dish to make a main meal. I balance it with fruit(I love fruit) and dessert. It's just that when I go out to eat on those special occasions, it throws me off my diet and my body suffers from it a bit.

I'm hyperglycemic so I can't go too long without a meal or else I get weak, dizzy, and on the verge of passing out. Also, since I've been so long without real meat and fried food(the really greasy kind), when I am forced to eat it, I start to feel sick as my body has to adapt to it again.

Looking back at my original post, I guess I should have mentioned my condition, but I since I was just venting(hyperglycemic or not. It's still something that annoys me) I hadn't felt the need to.
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