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Old 12-03-2010, 12:08 PM   #47
Lydia Deetz
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Join Date: Nov 2010
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Originally Posted by Underwater Ophelia View Post
Why shouldn't you?
A restaurant isn't obligated to provide food everyone likes, or food that everyone can eat.

If a restaurant doesn't feel the need to attract vegetarian/vegan customers, there is really no reason for them to provide special food for you. I feel like you see this as some kind of injustice.

Also, how is it a hassle to try something new or go to a restaurant where you CAN get what you want?
Even if it was a hassle, no one is obligated to make sure your day goes smoothly.

*sigh* Just when I was about to log off.

For the last goddamn time, I'm don't want to be treated like I'm special by restaurants. I understand that vegetarian meals can be expensive for some restaurants which is why I said I would be satisfied with just one vegetarian/vegan option.

I don't see it as injustice or else I would have put this in the General section with a completely different tone(how many times do I have to keep saying this). I just found it a bit frustrating at times and felt it would help out their business by attracting some extra money.

It is a hassle for me because I find it demanding a special meal be made for me to be unnecessary as it would cause conflict and I don't want to ruin my family's/friends' time. Also, I'm all for trying something new and when I'm forced to eat meat, I do if I find it appealing enough; and if there was somewhere else I could go to I wouldn't have fucking posted this rant in the first place.

You and a few others are trying so hard to make me out to be the stereotypical vegetarian who is self centered, preachy, and whose only reason for being one is for the environment/for animal rights. I resent that stereotype so you all can fuck off and find some other excuse to be condescending know-it-alls.

P.S. to Alan: I forgot to thank you earlier to for defending me when I wasn't able log in for the past few days even when you didn't have to. You and a few others have kept me from wanting to say "Fuck this" and leave. For now at least. Also, my pride as I have a personal history/issue with bullies and hate seeing them think they have power. I'm trying; but damn it's hard.
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