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Old 01-17-2011, 07:40 AM   #24
Underwater Ophelia
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Originally Posted by morganhawke View Post
Wow, aren't you a bitch? Oh wait, the term is TROLL. I'm absolutely sure that you have never made a spelling mistake on any of your posts, which is why you have the right to point out mine. Shall I go through all your old posts and count them? I can you know. GNet doesn't erase posts. Ever. I might even enjoy it. You not being an author is no excuse. If you're going to correct me, you'd better damned well have proof that you're better than I am first.

(Tick-tock, tick-tock...) Oops... Just as a warning; you're Not better than I am, by a long-shot. Your own posts are proof of that. Shall I post a few of the juicer examples?

And the fact that back then publishing houses published whatever they could find because only one out of fifteen people could write their own names has to do with the ability to write a what way? By the way, Samuel Clemens, Mark Twain -- who damned well could tell a story -- didn't even bother with punctuation. His editor did all of it.

What about them? Why should I do a damned thing for a troll that decided to slam me for no apparent reason what so ever? Are you even Old Enough to read my stuff? You have to be at least 18 to read adult material, you know, and from what you've been spewing onto my post, I really don't think you are. The last time I saw crap like this, it was from a 16 year old that had a steel wedge up her panties for anyone that could do something she couldn't.

What about your stories? Oh wait, you don't have any stories posted. The only thing you know how to write are insults, and you're not even particularly good at that. I bet you have a great deal of trouble keeping friends -- and jobs.

I told you where to find them. What's the matter? Can't visit my site because you're not 18 yet? Oh, I feel so bad for you.

Make Me.
Oh, I guess that's why I never read your books.
I'm only 15, lol.

My badsies!

I think I was only jealous because I really want to write dark erotica, but it never turns out any good at all.

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