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Old 02-01-2011, 06:31 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by Underwater Ophelia View Post
I feel like every time I say something even slightly political you guys get nuts and pretend you're talking to some insane tyrant hoarding cash and resources.

You argue against points I never even made. I think most wealthy people are bullshit, too. I WORK ON THE MAIN FUCKING LINE. I don't think all social programs should be cut in their entirety, but you're wrong when you say it's rare that these programs get abused.
You claimed the screening is rigorous, but I just can't believe that, when I personally know like 5 people who just fucking lie and then abuse it. And that's not even going around and searching, that's people who will just out and out admit it and they think it's ok.

What DO you want to slash then, Ophie? Because whatever it is that these 5 "social parasites" are abusing, I'd like to know why you think it'd be a good idea to cut those programs just to trump those 5 mother fuckers in the face of the LEGIONS of people that need that program.

Rand was shown to be a hypocrite and a pseudonym using, dishonest hyprocrite. So yeah, whatever credibility she had is out the fucking window now.

Just cause you know 5 assholes doesn't mean it's time to start cutting programs for the people that need those programs.

Fact is, whatever it is you're thinking should be cut or made harder to get, I'm thinking it'd be more likely that they become something worse than a parasite instead of something good.

People will always abuse the system. What's your point?

The way you're talking, Ayn Rand would dick slap you right in the tits if she heard one of her disciples talking about keeping some social programs around that DIDN'T involve protecting property.
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