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Old 02-02-2011, 01:09 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Saya View Post
But its never said that Jesus was a dickhead to gentiles at all, nor is there anything saying that he tried furiously to save their souls. He just cured them, brought their kids back from the dead and went on his merry way, he even told the Geresene demoniac not to become a follower.
He tells him not to become a disciple, instead he orders him to "Go home and tell his family what God has done for him". Basically he orders the guy to Evangelize his family.

He also forces a bunch of pigs to kill themselves (how does that jive with your veganism?)

But back to him sending the madman home to Witness to his family: who can blame him? If Jesus WAS the son of God, then he damn well better do everything he can to convert as many people as possible. If he told them that they were cool and didn't need his salvation he would've been lying and actively tricking them into hell. That's being far more of a Dickhead than simply "Trying to save them furiously".

In fact, it would be wrong to not try to "save everyone furiously", given the real threat of Hell. So either Jesus just felt that leading by example was the best way to evangelize, or he was a total asshole.

In case a) he does not really preach tolerance, he just behaves in a cool manner because he feels this is the best approach.

In case b) he's an asshole and a liar.

Regardless, what scripture says and what Christians do are two completely different things. How they interpret scripture is always changing and not something everyone agrees on within the faith, scripture might change and interpretation might change
I agree, but Christianity does not change. God and Jesus are both divine, therefore perfect, and therefore they do not change either. The Bible is also the word of God, and thus it is implied that it also can and should never change:

2 Timothy 3:16 (New International Version)

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

In this modern age, Christianity is not a religion that makes people better. At best it gives them an excuse to be good, a magic feather (if you will), to bring out the goodness that was already inside them and then takes credit for it, or scares sociopaths into compliance with threats of supernatural violence.

if a Christian says "I don't care what other religions believe as long as they are good people", I'm not going to tell them they're still phenomenal assholes and there is no way we can be at peace.
They aren't phenomenal assholes, what they're doing is very natural and good they are allowing their modern sensibilities, ethics and morals to override the barbaric, violent approach to life that their book demands. They are being good people IN SPITE of what the book they claim to follow, and it's divine prophet have said.

There are plenty of ways a believer and I can be at peace, but that doesn't mean that our beliefs won't be in conflict. You can still be friends with people who aren't like you and hold beliefs that are different from yours Saya.

If anything, basing the idea of friendship and peace solely (or even highly) on similarities of opinion is silly and dangerous.
Originally Posted by KontanKarite
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