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Old 02-11-2011, 08:16 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by OnyxBat View Post
Since teen pregnancies is one of the US main issues I just wanted to get one point clear and would like some responses to this. What has made teen pregnancy such a bad thing when like a good few decays ago it was alright to be expecting at a younger age. Is it because of the rights that women have earned?, is it the irresponsibility of the present generation?, or is it because of our advance skills that will guarantee a higher rate of children to live to be adult (if you know that back then you could have nine kids and expect to only have at least 3-5 survive to be adults)?.

Note, I do not endorse teen pregnancy, I am just asking out of curiosity.
What time period are you referring to exactly? The middle ages? I'm fairly sure that in American culture, it's never really been too acceptable. At least I would think so since America was originally founded as a colony by the Puritans who decided that England wasn't religious enough. So, if you're talking about America specifically, the answer is that it never really was. If you're talking about the middle ages when people were married between the ages of 14 and 18, then I guess that makes sense, but then our knowledge of medicine and the educational system have both improved immeasurably since then.
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