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Old 02-11-2011, 08:57 PM   #8
Join Date: Oct 2005
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That had a lot to do with women getting married earlier too, because it was all a woman was supposed to be, was wife and mother. The Feminine Mystique came out, what, 1959? She visits schools and all the girls are there to meet husbands, not study.

Premarital pregnancies were still very frowned upon. My grandmother had my mom when she was 17, and the father didn't want anything to do with her, so mom was adopted by her grandparents. No one said a word to her that her "sister" was her mother and her mom was her grandmother until after her grand mom died. Its still regarded as a scandal out home, no one even told me, I had to overhear it.

It isn't desirable to have teen pregnancies, it greatly impedes your studies, you ability to go on to post-secondary education, your ability to work, and your social life, its a lot of shit for a teenager to go through. It was more okay ages ago when popping out babies was the norm and you had no career, but the times have changed.
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