Thread: Dragon Age 2
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Old 03-22-2011, 06:02 PM   #245
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 9,548
Anders: Maybe you don't really understand the difference between spirits and demons.
Merrill: Did I ask you?
Anders: Spirits were the first children of the Maker, but he turned his back on them, to dote on his mortal creations. The ones he resented have become demons, driven to take everything mortals have and gain back the maker's favour.
Merrill: Your Maker is the story you humans use to explain the world. We have our own stories, we don't need to borrow yours.

Anders: Do Dalish honestly not recognize the difference between demons and beneficial spirits?
Merrill:We’ve never thought of the Fade as the home of our gods. It is another realm. Another people's home, no different or more foreign than, say, Orzammar.
Anders: But have you never studied the types of demons? They break down very clearly into different sins.
Merrill:Spirits differ from each other. Just as you, and Hawke and Isabela are all human. More or less.

Merrill: Are you alright?
Anders: I nearly killed an innocent girl. How could I be alright?
Merrill: I'm sorry.
Anders: You're sorry? For me? This could be you! You could be the next monster threatening helpless girls!
Merrill: Anders... There's no such thing as a good spirit. There never was.
Merrill: All spirits are dangerous. I understood that. I'm sorry that you didn't.

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