Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 03-30-2011, 09:12 PM   #5517
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Originally Posted by honeythorn View Post
It most likely is but it still annoys me immensely.

It's also very unfair on the people from "outside" who are applying for the jobs. If the company has every intention of acepting both temps regardless of how they do in the interview, then basically all the people who are otherwise applying are going to have their time wasted and hopes built up for a job they will never get.

These people are going to be shown around the warehouse by Adrian and generally made to feel like they have a good chance of getting the job, when really it's already taken. There is no logic whatsoever in sacking perfectly good proven workers who are now trained to run the machines, in favour of someone who has never been near a bit of Bordette.
Hun, I hear you. One of the questions I used to ask was "Is there anyone acting in the job?" - if there was, then I would never bother applying for it because the person in it usually got the position.

It's stupid but it is the merit based system. They need to cover their butts so if anyone who has applied for the job, and lost out complains, then at least they can show them that a proper recruitment process was followed.

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