Thread: Weiners.
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Old 06-09-2011, 06:49 PM   #17
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I hope he doesn't resign. I was serious with the "Weiner for President 2016"
You look at his record and his ideas and you'll see why I like him so much. Before the scandal I had talked about him before on facebook and I pledged I'd give up communism for his time in office if he ever became president.
He could single-handedly depussify the Democratic party.

I honestly do believe that the reason this became so big was precisely because conservatives also saw the potential he had. He was a thread.
He's getting more media attention than Blagojevich had. This about that for a minute. In the mind of a conservative, Blagojavich was the perfect symbol of a corrupt democrat using his status for personal gain - right there you get a great argument (rhetorically speaking, of course) against the "pro-centralism" of the Democrats and all that jazz.
But Blagojevich was just some random inconsequential Democrat. He presented no threat. He was just an example to point out and say "see? we win this round"

Weiner, on the other hand, was a threat that HAD to be taken care of. So they overblow a story in which he seems so depraved even though he's only sexted. Pretend to be morally outraged at the situation even though, as Saya pointed out, we have forgiven other politicians for much worse.

And of course, the Democratic Party wasn't going to do anything for him. Even their attempts to help him first start with the "compromise" that what he did is unforgivable. Remember, they're fucking pussies. Their idea of compromise is "giving the other side everything they want."

What really bothers me is that Weiner was the one that shot himself in the foot. Like Ben said, the issue was that he lied so pathetically.
I understand why he did it. He knew Republicans would take advantage of any opportunity to take Weiner out of office. It's not like a guy who managed to leave the House's chair at a loss of words for endless seconds and prove Republican hypocrisy would get away with it:

Weiner knew the Republicans would immediately seize the story. But the problem is that HE HIMSELF allowed them to, when he denied the allegations in such a manner that everyone knew he was lying. He wouldn't blatantly say it was not his picture, which of course meant that it is.

What he should have done is openly say so from the beginning. As I said before my admiration of him is that it seemed he could single-handedly depussify the Democratic party. He should have seen that and run with it.
He should have told the media the only person he will apologize to is his wife, not them.
He should have joked about his size just like Stewart was nudging him to. Ask conservative if they're just jealous.
He should have CHALLENGED critics to tell them how sexting influences his political career in any manner.
Fuck, he should have compared himself to John F.ucking Kennedy and said that the most kickass presidents all had affairs.

But he was too scared of doing this. He backpedaled. The sin of the left is that it never dares go far enough.
Originally Posted by KissMeDeadly
You fucking people [war veterans] are only a step below entitled rich kids, the only difference being you had to do and witness horrible things, instead of being given everything.
real classy
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