Thread: Like a boss
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Old 06-12-2011, 12:39 PM   #6
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When I was living in Richmond my mate lived across the street from a large music venue where Marylin Manson played one night. We cut through the car park on our way home from a pub and it was just as they were packing up the gear int he buses. As we were walking past the bus some guy yelled to me and my mates that we needed to pick up the pace as the buses had to be on the road in an hour and told us to hurry and get the boxes from the room down the main hall. We looked at each other, half pissed, and then walked in the back stage door and down the hall where some other guy threw some boxes at us. We then took them out to the bus.

The bus was parked in such a way you had to walk around it to get to where it was being loaded. There was no one out there so we again looked at each other and then legged it across the street into his house.

We ended up with a big box full of smaller boxes of cereal like Fruit Loops and Count Chocula and a box with t-shirts and a box with autographed drum sticks.

Best part - Manson was on MTV the next day whining about how some kids stole his gear as it was being loaded onto the buses the night before.

I thought, isn't he a satanist? He always brags about how he studied with Anton LeVay. You would think he would be more supportive instead of being such a whiny bi0tch on MTV and shit.

We didn't do it because we wanted his shit, we did it because they assumed we were part of the road crew since we dressed like the rest of them. That kinda pissed us off, seeings how we were goth long before manson robbed our look. Fuck him, his music, and his Fruit Loops.

We were half pissed, which was also a major factor. Went home smoked a bong and ate that shit. We were like 'dude, we are eatin marylin mansons fruit loops'.

That shit still makes me laugh.
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