Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 06-19-2011, 04:08 PM   #5965
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 87
Ah WalMart...most fucked up summer job I've had. For starters, they couldn't give us a constant shift. No, your hours changed every day. You might be working till 10 one day and getting there at 7 the next. Needless to say, it wreaked havoc on my sleep schedule.

The bad part though, was the one co-worker. No, not just your ordinary run-of-the-mill ass. This guy was a serious pervert. Every single women who had worked with him had filed a complaint. He'd describe in detail what he wanted to do to them. It was at the point where I wouldn't go into the back room unless someone else was working there (we were in a small section with our own back room). I also got treated to a general discussion between several employees (including our manager) of the inherent instability of non-heterosexual women. Management just didn't care.

The customers were actually nice, for the most part. There was the occasional entitled dumbass, but 98% of the people were decent. I did notice that the dumbasses were 100% white, 80% male, and generally over 50. Never had any problems with the teens or young people. Had the occasional problem with a little kid, but that counts as the parents being idiots - the kids were just being kids. Still, I was glad to get away from that environment.
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