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Old 06-28-2011, 07:25 AM   #32
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There are few things that I actually think should be dealt with by capital punishment, but this is one of them. Hell, it may be the only thing I think is okay to deal with that way.

Saya, it's not a matter of 'lowering ourselves to their level', we'd have to become what they are to do that. A lot of them do prey on family members, but there are still the strangers out there snatching children from playgrounds and front yards or in stores. It's no longer sensationalized like it was in the 80s, though. I am as wary of the people in my family as I am of the rest of the world. Giving my family's laissez faire attitude about creepy people around their kids(which has gotten a lot of them molested) I wouldn't trust any of them as far as I could throw them. Also, a lot of child molesters are normally caught with child porn on their PCs so I don't see how there's much of a difference between a pedo and a molester. I know what people want the difference to be, but I just don't see it. I didn't mean to attack you, Saya, I'm sorry. I feel very passionately about protecting my children. I don't want them to grow up like I did with no one there protecting them.

Stern, I have yet to read any research indicating that pedos can be helped. Most research indicates the contrary. Not only do they not want to be helped they think that there's nothing wrong with how they are and the world should just accept the fact that they want to fuck children. They normally go on to repeat their offenses after doing time or being 'rehabilitated'. How many times is it going to be okay for a person to keep going back out and molesting children again before people realize that it does no good to try to help them? If they actually wanted to be helped that would be one thing and a very few do want help, most don't.

Ren, I know that you want to protect others that are on the spectrum, but molesting kids and being a pedo.phile has fuck all to do with autism.

The idea of being a pedo as a 'sexual orientation is bullshit. It's not a sexual orientation to want to hurt children.
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