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Old 06-28-2011, 04:54 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Grausamkeit View Post
CuckooTuli, I am willing to compromise my view and say that not all paedophiles support the greater degree of the worst child porn. Maybe there are some who actually see what they feel is wrong, but that has not been my experience. If there were some scientific evidence that they could be helped I would probably change my opinion on killing them.
I appreciate your consideration in view of what is evidently a sensitive subject for you - whether that's from personal experience of the childhood variety, or simply becoming a parent, I wouldn't presume to guess. However, I must point out that scientific evidence on paedophiles is hard to come by. To take the very basic example of the heterosexual male: imagine a world in which men being sexually attracted to women, to the point where this is something that merely owning up to it would be enough to have the people around you baying for your blood, is considered wrong to the point of sickness. Those with that proclivity would most frequently clam the fuck up, out of sheer self-preservation.

An analogy would be trying to gather data on male heterosexuality, based on findings garnered from rapists; those with this proclivity, but lacking the empathy to avoid acting upon it in a damaging fashion. It's similar with paedophiles; hard to gather data, when most of the ones who make it onto our radar are the those who act upon their urges, without considering the damage to others. And so, they become the representatives of their kind. People find the urges they acted uupon repehensible. And those who might never act upon them, would nevertheless NEVER admit to them. And so, the circle jerks. Like I said - we honestly don't know how many paedophiles there are, for this reason.

Originally Posted by Grausamkeit View Post
People often think that I make the remark of capitol punishment flippantly, I don't. Taking another's life is the worst, most grave thing one person can do to another. I do not advocate for it lightly without reflecting on the possible consequences. Sometimes there is little choice in dealing with people who are dangerous and can't be helped or rehabilitated.
Execution costs the state more than life imprisonment, what with appeals etc. On that basis, there's always a choice. If you think paedophiles deserve to die, that's your opinion. But to claim it's the only logical option is just plain wrong, on the basis of cost alone.
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