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Old 07-27-2011, 07:52 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2005
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The DC Reboot Shit Show

So its been known for a while that in September, DC is rebooting all of its series. So if you think that its too late to get into Batman because you'd have no clue whats going on, you have a chance to get the new Batman #1, a new clean slate, and you know everything you need to know. Right?

I'm not opposed to it, I mean if we didn't reboot after the golden, silver and bronze ages we'd miss out on a lot of good comics and re imaginings. A lot of things have been improved upon. But as more and more information comes out, some things seem like bizarre changes. Like, no Lois and Clark. None! They aren't married now!

And the costumes...

Yeah, thats Harley Quinn.

Wonder Woman's pants/no pants status keeps changing, but it seems to be that she'll be going back and forth, and hopefully Superman is also going back and forth between I'm-so-working-class-my-jeans-have-patches costume and the more classic suit:

But it also seems a lot of superheroes are getting the boot, particularly female characters. And The Killing Joke remains canon, but Barbara Gordon is going to get "better" (because paralysis is just like a cold! You get over it eventually), cease to be Oracle and become Batgirl again. Oh, and she's much younger too. Because over 25 is the new 50 apparently.

Also looks like the first few issues of Catwoman at least is just going to be her having sex with Batman and being "dirty". And apparently, they axed most of their women writers. DC's writers prior to this reboot would have been 12% female, but its being reduced to only 1.9% of their writers being women.

With the new line, DC have dropped from having 12.5% of their creators being women, to only 1.9%. This isn't about artificial quotas or petulant foot stomping, this is about a drastic cut in the number of women behind DC characters and a worry of what this might mean for the future of DC comics.

But are there women out there who want to write for DC? Most assuredly there are, but perhaps not in the numbers we would hope for. And why would there be? A great number of terrific women writers have absolutely no interest in writing superhero stories because of the incredible male focus they demand. Why have your words rendered into exposed flesh and heaving breasts, all most likely for a character that will spin on the spot for a male character's plot point? For DC, and superhero comics as a whole, to achieve a greater diversity behind the scenes, it first needs to show that diversity on the pages themselves.

And with Didio apparently being a total dick at Comic Con when asked about this and acted like the reason they have so few female writers is because there aren't any, and asked women to send their stuff in (which DC does not allow, does he not know this?) I'm conflicted whether to keep reading DC. On one hand, I'm pretty excited about Batwoman and Voodoo, who are gay and bisexual respectively and that's pretty cool. But the attitude seems to be is that yes, they'll inject some diversity if they don't think it'll interfere with them trying to turn on their target audience of heterosexual men ages 18-34. And they seem to have weird ideas about what youth today like.
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