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Old 07-27-2011, 11:24 PM   #3
Join Date: Oct 2005
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At Comic Con they said they didn't want to change the personalities of any superheroes drastically, they're rebooting and changing the costumes but not really who they are.

Although I think if they made Wonder Woman gay it wouldn't be a huge stretch. She hasn't gotten very serious with any man before, I think her fling with Nemesis was the closest we got (I hope they bring him back, though, I enjoyed that pairing). She's been pretty virginal.

Batwoman is pretty neat though, originally she was created in the fifties when there was a lot of criticism towards Batman and Robin's relationship as being homosexual, so Batwoman was created to be Batman's "I'M NOT GAY" girlfriend (been there! I relate to her already). So by reintroducing her in this continuity as a lesbian is pretty redeeming (they're technically not changing her personality though because its an entirely different woman, Kate Kane). I'm drooling over the artwork as well, I really want her comic to be good and successful.

There are other gay superheroes, but none as prominent and I think she's the only one to have her own comic series, Voodoo will be the second queer superhero with her own comic (Batwoman #0 came out last year, its pretty short and just kinda sums up the character so if you skip it you're not missing much). I gotta admit I am more nervous about Voodoo, biphobia is rampant even among LGBTQ people, I'm kinda worried her bisexuality will be used to pander to a male audience and just have her sleep with everything that comes her way until she gets a good dicking, you know? I tend to be paranoid about that kind of thing though.
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