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Old 08-08-2011, 06:10 PM   #6367
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Originally Posted by Grausamkeit View Post
Cool! I've always liked the outlook of Taoism and the yin/yang duality of life and the outer world. I don't believe in deities, but I do believe that all life is intertwined anhd that hurting others hurts yourself.

Happy Ramadan! I saw you mention it was starting in another tread.
Yin yang theory is actually pretty bull. It asserts that certain things are manifestations of yin and yang. For example, Yin manifests itself as female, dark, night, death, cold, ruled, etc. Yang is male, light, day, birth, heat, ruler, etc. You can tell that yin is the more negative things, the people who came up with this was slanted against it, why would they associate birth with male energy and death with female energy, when women gave birth and men went to war?

And the idea is that the opposites wax and wane. Illness can be caused by lack of balance between yin and yang energies, and feng shui is also centered around taking the best advantage of the yin yang energies that surround us. And certain opposites don't really wax and wane, a ruler won't be come less a ruler and move towards being ruled, and I have yet to wake up with a penis.

Taoism isn't a unified religion so there's a more religious school that subscribes to the more hokey stuff, and then there's philosophical Taoist schools. It does appeal to the Taoist nonduality teachings but its not all it means.

/nerd. Sorry Geo XD You look pretty!
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