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Old 08-15-2011, 02:13 AM   #140
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Originally Posted by AshleyO View Post
It's not insanity to make those that have the ability to fix our financial crisis actually do it by paying more taxes like they should be doing.

Which means they're the ones who are most capable of fixing this problem. Not you and I.


Which ironically enough, happen to be owned and operated by the super elite rich. They're not some weird entity that was spit out of the void.

No. The answer is NOT to cut spending, but to try to avoid increased spending, impose a progressive tax on the wealthiest, ease the tax on the poorer, cut spending on our military efforts overseas, bring them home, and re-appropriate that part of the budget back into public programs that are good for you and I such as universal healthcare, education, social security and financial aid in the event that we may actually need it.

I know you don't like the idea of taxation, but it's necessary and it's the lowest it's ever been... EVER and it's causing a lot of hurt cutting taxes like this.
What we face is a spending problem,not a revenue problem,the rich do pay their share along with the rest of us (after all who do you think pays your wages? the person that owns the company you work for).

More taxes on the rich means more taxes on the rest of us as well.
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