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Old 08-20-2011, 07:34 AM   #16
Ben Lahnger
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That's an interesting question. I personally don't think guys or girls kicking ass in a movie is sexy. Nothing sexual about it. Inspiring and exciting, yes, but not sexy. I don't think most guys think it's sexy either.

Let's take an extreme. Do you think female body builders (the kind of person I could see filling a Red Sonja type role) are sexy? Most guys don't, with the notable exception of a certain segment of fetishists.

So, let's get back to the heart of the matter ... why do many women think a guy kicking ass is sexy? Is that a throwback memory to a time when women were more dependent on men for protection?

We know women do not depend on men for protection now, so the role of men as heroic protector is diminished (and rightly relegated to the past for for it's gender oppressive baggage). But how do we explain the characters put on the screen today, and women's reactions to them?
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