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Old 08-23-2011, 10:36 PM   #16
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Originally Posted by AshleyO View Post
...You missed my Risk joke. I am disappoint son. Also, China is doing it wrong. If they want to ban religion, they should have only went so far as to say that it is illegal to hold a political view based on your faith. But that's beside the point.
I don't think its a good idea to say that certain political ideas are illegal. Actions, yes, but if you're freedom of choice and thought, you're freedom of choice and thought even for the people you disagree with.

Would it have been easier for me to simply say that the big three (the only ones that really matter) are the ones to be contested with? Are you Buddhist or something?
You're cute. And only Christianity really matters when it comes to the abortion debate in North America, and even then a particular faction of Christianity, I'm not sure about the states but the United Church of Canada is one of the largest denominations here, and has argued for safe abortion access.

Actually, to explore more on banning political opinion based on religion, is that only for the opinions that we don't like? If a church, religion or religious movement is all for gay rights and abortion rights and women's rights, should we silence them and refuse to ally with them because we don't like their source material? What if they present both religious and secular reasons? And its pretty hard to say sometimes if an opinion comes from religion or not. I have a lot of reasons for being pacifist, some are religious and some are not, combined with a personal distaste for violence. I don't voice the religious reasons when I'm in a political debate with someone from outside my religion, but what if thats the reason I came to those reasons in the first place?

I think by now we've established that Christian culture doesn't exactly reflect the book in its entirety. That might be a good thing. o_0 However, you bankrupt their book of any intellectual capital and you're going to have a weaker opponent.
The anti-choice movement is generally made of literalists, I don't know if you've read it but The Handmaid's Tale was written in response to the growing religious right in the states, taking them to their logical conclusions.

Generally, the more I know about the Bible the more easy it is to point out that a lot of these people don't even read the fucking thing.

The dude did cave. Saya, it is generally known that NO ONE wants to be in bed with unreason and misogyny for its own sake is entirely unreasonable and can be easily proven as unreasonable. I'm just saying that since religion wants to get into the battle royal of women's rights, its own intellectual prowess needs to be ultimately undermined. You NEED the general public to recognize that religion is inherently dumb or at LEAST NOT IMPORTANT.
I don't think the people we are talking about pride their religion on intellectual prowess. How many times have you heard, THATS WHY ITS FAITH. THIS IS A TEST. Intellectual prowess doesn't come into the equation. Evolution has been slapping literalists in the face with its cock for over a hundred years now and its still not really sinking in.

And as far as being in bed with unreason and misogyny for its own sake, privilege resists self examination. Most sexists won't admit they are sexists, and people generally are rarely entirely reasonable and often blind to their own biases. Hell Versus still won't say he's a feminist, but I don't think he's a misogynist, just has an aversion to the label that is probably not a logical act on his part.
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