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Old 09-10-2011, 06:19 PM   #13
Join Date: Jan 2007
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Originally Posted by Saya View Post
I'm 99% sure that to qualify as anorexic you need to be a certain weight, but I know many people who were anorexic who continue to have disordered eating habits (I read somewhere that most teenage girls have disordered eating habits now, but that isn't to say most girls are anorexic or bulimic). Like, a friend of mine while she eats and she weighs a healthy weight now, doesn't qualify as anorexic, but its been years and she still can't have a scales in her home and freaked out recently because a doctor told her her weight. She can't count her calories or anything because she finds she gets obsessive about it way too easily.

So someone can totally be recovered from anorexia, but they'll have issues to deal with for a very long time. Is she in therapy?
As far as I know, anorexia is just restricting your food intake to an unhealthy degree because of body dysmorphia and fear of gaining weight, rather than reaching a certain weight.
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