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Old 09-19-2011, 02:18 PM   #97
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Originally Posted by MissCheyenne View Post
See now, the area I live in, apart from maybe the actual LIVING in my garden, this is pretty standard behaviour for a lot of the people on this estate. They sell drugs/manufacture/grow drugs, throw massive parties, constantly have the police called out to deal with their obnoxious, anti social behaviour, think nothing of pissing in the middle of the street/up someones house (the women included), their kids run wild, destroying people's gardens, stealing, drinking and generally being a nusiance. They throw rubbish all over the place and generally bother anyone they feel like. They also have fairly lavish lifestyles, weddings and other assorted gatherings/celebrations, certainly more lavish than I would expect them to be able to afford given the very high level of unemployment and teen pregnancy in this area. They aren't gypsys. They all live in nice council provided accomodation, claim all manner of benefits and most of them have a better lifestyle than me and I work. So, are they better than gypsy folk simply because they live in an actual house?
Sounds like my experience living in a dorm on campus!
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